Cookie | Type | Duration | Description |
cookielawinfo-checkbox-neccesary | third party | session | |
cookielawinfo-checkbox-non-neccesary | third party | session | Check that cookies policy has been accepted |
roundcube_cookies | third party | 1 year | Email client management for forms |
Timezone | third party | session | Defines the browser's time zone and synchronizes it with the web |
viewed_cookie_policy | third party | session | Do not show cookies policy again |
webmailsession | session | session | Email client management for forms |
wordpress_logged_in | third party | session | |
wordpress_sec | third party | session | Keep registered user session open |
wordpress_test_cookie | third party | session | Check that the browser can accept cookies |
wp-settings-1 | third party | session | Customize the view of the admin interface |
wp-settings-time-1 | third party | session | Customize the view of the admin interface |